Friday, February 23, 2007

Dear Friends and Gentle People,

This prayer march is called to honour Mrs. Harriet Nahanee. Harriet is a 71 year old Indian (she insists on being called Indian) from the Squamish Reserve who joined the Eagleridge Bluffs Protest to try to help save what she considered the needless destruction of Squamish Land. Harriet was arrested along with 24 others and declared guilty of contempt of court on Jan. 24 and sentenced to 14 days in prison.

Harriet served 9 days in Surrey Pre-Trial which is a hell hole. Nobody should be sent there, especially a 71 year old residential school survivor woman with underlying health problems. Harriet’s judge, Madam Justice Brown was advised in a letter before sentencing, of Harriet’s health problems sent to her by Harriet’s co-accused, Betty Krawczyk. Madam Justice Brown chose to ignore the contents of Betty’s letter and sentenced Harriet Nahanee to 14 days in jail anyway. While there Harriet contacted pneumonia and is now in St. James hospital fighting for her life. We want to honour this brave great grandmother who has fallen fighting for the right of her family, both immediate and extended, which includes all of us, to save the eco-systems that sustain life. Walk along with us.

Feb.23, 2007


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I have heard several stories about this. Has a transcript of the proceedings been ordered and posted?

  2. Anonymous11:03 PM

    When the government chooses to exercise the law and arrest women who only want to choose their RIGHT to peaceful protest, then everyone has to exmaine that government in power, the laws they choose to back and their motives in doing that. It seems that the people responsible for these arrests are so far from reality and any compassion, that they must surely have sociopathic tendencies. This is so wrong, we need to demand better..or we may also have no say in how our rights are exercised at some point in our lives. The Olympics are making the rich, richer..and the chaos that will come after will be their cross to bear.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    this is an insult to the spirit of the olympics.To bulldoze the surrounding greenspace to make way for a highway for gas guzzlers is a criminal offence,in my opinion.
