US Senator Elizabeth Warren
At the moment The US is being held hostage by the Republican Tea Party,
proving that a small committed group of people (20-30-60) can indeed change the
world. For the worse. And they don’t even have to be intelligent. From listening to a few of these US Congress
people of the Tea Party who have managed to partially shut down the US
government, i.e. Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachman and Marco Rubio, I get this eerie feeling that
they don’t even live in this world.
For them there has been no such thing
as social evolution.
The Tea Party lives
back in the glorious pre and early post-American Revolutionary times, when
there was only a smattering of government, and only wealthy people (landowners,
male, white) controlled it. But there
was a role for dirt farmers, too, they were part of a militia if needed, and
the dirt farmers treasured their guns to fend off freed slaves, Indians,
roaming Yankees and all manners of landless riff raff who were out to steal their
livestock and women. The Tea Partiers to
this day, both the wealthy ones and the
not so wealthy ones, all love their guns
and carry around the same egocentric fears and demands of an idealized
revolutionary historic time in America.
In my opinion, the Tea Partiers are
pathetic. And dangerous. They are much like the radical Islamists in their
zeal. They would see the whole world go
up in flames to try to recreate those times they fancy existed before government
grew big with social programs that were created by more humane leaders to keep less
well-heeled people from starving to death in the streets. The Tea Party fundamentally opposes the
concept of equality. Yet, many of the
Tea Party people are very wealthy themselves and well educated. It just doesn’t compute. Or does it?
Enter US Senator Elizabeth Warren. Her take on the seemingly irrational fears and
determination of this group of people to prevent American people from having
adequate health care (Obamacare) doesn’t make sense because it isn’t
sensible. It’s religious. And it’s all about women’s right to
reproductive health care; not only to abortion, but to birth control. The Tea Party people intend to do what their
god wants them to do. The Bible says
so. Or these fundamentalist says it
does. So what is Sen. Warren’s take on
the matter? Her words on the floor of the US Senate (30/9/2013) :
“With millions of
people still out of work…with students and families crushed by student loan
debt, with millions of seniors denied one hot meal a day with Meals on Wheels
and millions of little children pushed out of Head Start because of a sequester
that is dragging down the middle class, with the country hours away from a
government shutdown…the Republicans have decided the single most
important issue facing our nation is to change the law (Obamacare) so that
employers can deny women access to birth control coverage. In fact, letting employers decide whether
women can get birth control covered on their insurance plan is SO important
that the Republicans are willing to shutter the government and potentially tank
the economy…”
Sounds crazy? That’s because it is. This kind of religion, whether Christian or
Muslim, impedes the progress of the human race.
In my opinion the only hope we have of getting to a better place is to
ditch religion altogether and concentrate on the spiritual which is where we
are when we meet each other as equals in humanity. And perhaps Sen. Elizabeth
Warren will run for president in the next US election. And in Canada? I wish Quebec Premier Pauline
Marois could run outside Quebec. I would
certainly vote for her.
see my new post on
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