Tuesday, April 03, 2018

On War with Russia

On war with Russia


The hatred being vented toward Russia by the Western world may be some kind of a temporary aberration, but I don’t think so.  This non-stop assault on Russia is a horrendously dangerous thing.   The accusations of wrong-doing by Russia without including Western countries own role in all of it is never-ending.  As far as Russia trying to kill a double agent on British soil after Russia had already released him years before after he served time for treason, I don’t believe it.  On the eve of the World cup games? Why would they do that?  


I could be wrong but it certainly sounds as though some sort of a pre-emptive strike on Russia by US-led NATO is being seriously discussed by the US generals. However, the problem for this scenario is that Russia (as I understand it) now has a nuclear capability superior to the US.  NATO (of which Canada is a part) can’t really try to destroy Russia without grave risk of destroying our own countries and populations.  


I also think this flood of accusations coming from the West against Russia is aimed equally, or even primarily, at China.  Why? The US dollar has been the predominant settlement currency for oil future contracts.  China is the world’s biggest oil consumer and has just launched their own yuan-back crude oil futures in Shanghai. This means they don’t have to use US dollars anymore in their oil transactions.  They will use their own currency, backed by gold, instead of US dollars, backed by much of nothing.  Which, of course, weakens the US dollar further and makes the US furious.


The US war hawks will rattle swords and cheer on Theresa May but unless the new warriors in Trump’s cabinet are willing to try to wreck the entire world along with their own lives, there isn’t a dammed thing they can do about it. Except, of course, sling accusations non-stop both at Russia and China while titillating the public with the frolics of Donald Trump and Stormy, the porn star.

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