How life expectancy may be influenced by the "Woke" culture, WEF.
Loss of life expectancy , “Woke” doctrine”
Why are big powerful nations in the western world like the US and the UK losing years in life expectancy? From The Economic Front on Jan 2, 2020, I first became aware that the life expecting of the US was on a downward spiral. The UK seems to be in the same predicament of losing years of life expectancy, but as the US stats are more likely to also be correlated with Canadian stats, I will use US data given by the article mentioned. The US stats given are from 2014 to 20 17, well before the advent of Covid. 20 14 was the first year of US loss of life expectancy.
In 1960 the US has the highest life expectancy in the world. Now it, and the UK has the lowest life expectancy of comparable countries. Is this trend the result of opioid deaths that take out a goodly portion of young people? Can it be despair over the lack of job security,the high cost of education, the rise of scattering of families through job searching, contributing to rise of divorces, increased drug use and deaths from overdoses? Could the falling birth rate have anything to do with the 60 per cent lowering of sperm count in males of the western world? And what about all the weird woke theories born and bread in US Universities and spreading the world over with all the might and money of The World Economic Forum who are very interested in depopulation?
Why is there such fervour in the trans movement? Children must be taught in the earliest grades to question whether they are boys or girls and if they like the other sex better that what they are , then that can be fixed. It’s called castration. And the children are told this is good. And the most horrible of human experiments on children are being pushed. Why? Because the George Soros, Klaus Swab, Bill Gates and King Charles believe in world depopulation. They are going to make the world greener for themselves if half the world population has to die. What do you think?
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