Monday, January 02, 2023

Maid, Treason, Trudeau and Freeland

 Jan. 3Rd, 2023

Maid, Treason, Trudeau and Freeland

Hello, Betty Krawczyk here. This will be my second posting on why I think Justine Trudeau and his Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland could and should be charged with treason. My last post concerned Canadian farming and Trudeau’s passion to reduce crop yields by one third by issuing policy restrictions on fertilizers along with inflationary prices. Many farmers will go bankrupt. This of course will mean a restriction of our Canadian food supply which is a giant leap toward the IMF goal of depopulation, a goal to which Trudeau is devoted. Depopulation of what or whom? Of humans, of course.

And together they have decided, after careful consideration, that there are two dam many people in the world. The solution? Get rid of as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. And of course, refusing to allow farmers to grow food is one sure way. Another? Well, let’s see. How about expanding the uses of Bill C-7.

Bill C-7 is the government assisted suicide bill. This bill has been expanded now so that Trudeau’s government can include citizens who have Alzheimer's and people who are handicapped but in no danger of immediate death from their handicap or anything else. It seems that veterans are being subjected to suggesting from medical superiors at Veterans Affairs that they consider the new expansions of Bill C-7, and just off themselves. Easier, you know, than trying to live with missing limbs or messed up backs and internal organs. This is being argued in Parliament with Trudeau denying his government is targeting veterans but with clear evidence from the veterans themselves that they have received these suggestions. And Alzheimer?

Oh, my God. There have been supposedly responsible studies referred to by gerontologist (people who study the elderly) and report that almost all old people if they live long enough, will have some form of dementia. I think most elderly citizens fear Alzheimer's more than any things else even though more old people are now living healthy lives well into their old age.

But how easy would it be to persuade a frightened elderly man or woman that their occasional forgetful lapses are the onset of Alzheimer's and perhaps should take advantage of Bill C-7 as it will be all downhill from this point on. And the expansion of this bill , in my opinion, is another reason for the charge of and conviction of, the charge of treason against Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland.

On what charges? On the facts that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland have turned their back on their duties to protect the sanctity of life values that are held by the vast majority of Canadian citizens and by adopting foreign values from foreign states and organizations and have instead instituted these foreign policies and values into the Canadian government that are destructive to Canadian values and Canadian lives in this government in order to appease foreign interests. This is treason. Next time.

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