Monday, September 23, 2024

There Are No Atheists In Foxholes


There Are No Atheists In Foxholes

it is uncertain who first said  ‘there are no atheist in foxholes.’ but whoever it was had experience the battlefield and soldiers facing death.  Because in order to actually see the enemy in order to do battle the solder must climb out of the foxhole and expose himself or herself to the enemy and when the fire is heavy perhaps to certain death.  At the command of charge the solder cannot escape.   the deed must be done.  Alone and vulnerable in the foxhole the soldier appeals to the heavens for a miracle. Miracles come from gods who live somewhere in the heavens and perhaps to a particular god that the soldier may not believed existed a half hour before.

there are other kinds of foxholes occurring outside an actual war zone that are being dug an occupied every day by young and old people. Car accidents can leave people so crippled their bodies will never be the same and are in a foxhole cannot escape by their own efforts. The odds are, I believe that the majority will eventually appeal, as the soldier , by appealing to a higher power for help. Other near brushes with death such as the necessity for a risky operation or an unexpected health incident that leaves one  overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness.  Just as my long streak of good health was recently broken by a massive stroke. I am 96 years old, female,  and the world has no use for such a creature as myself. Old and wounded my age category alone makes me one of the useless eaters as some globalists define us and say so however, I refute the label in name of all who live and deserves like physical catastrophes and been strengthened by their communication with a higher power, I believe we have a hell of a lot to say that young people have no knowledge of. However, I also think that most of us also are soldiers that live in foxholes and most individually and communally. Next time   Bj Rhodes

Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Fifth Wheel In The Fourth Turning

A Fifth Wheel In The Fourth Turning

I have decided to change my last name. What is the point of changing my last name and why now when I have just celebrated my 96th birthday?. What is the point you may ask... it’s stupid. after all, how many years do I have left and with the added difficult my of recently joining the increasing number of stroke victims in the population I may as well pack in the writing stuff I am told by well meaning people, but I resist. not so fast. in spite of advanced age and a stroke I remain an independent writer and researcher, even if I have to do the typing with one hand and become better acquainted with the voice access function on my keyboard, I will manage to write somehow. Because it’s in my head. Freedom of speech and expression is the only political air that I breathe.

From now on, I will be assuming my mother’s maiden name of Rhodes when I write with the initials BJ which are the initials of my given names. I will change other docs later. but who gives a damn about what a 96 year old woman does or thinks. Not too many people outside her own family. unless she is fabulously wealthy. If not so blessed she is simply a 5th wheel churning in the poisonous muck of the aftermath of the global fourth turning. This fourth turning will include the planned destruct of our monetary system as we know it. by whom? by a cabal.

The cabal is largely composed of inter family banking systems and are poised to take over the entire western world. “We will own nothing and be happy”. we are told by the cabal pushers. Poor old delusional woman some may think reading this but I have the receipts, and I want to tell you about many black families who have, or whose ancestors also bore and still may bear the family name of Rhodes who live in or have resided in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi. Next post I will also talk about how having a stroke evokes the saying "There are no athiests in fox holds". BJ Rhodes

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Please Premier Danielle Smith, be BC’s Valentine, too


Please Premier Danielle Smith, be BC’s Valentine, too

Alberta is so lucky to have Danielle Smith leading their province. How wonderful to hear Transgender 101 explained in such a calm, intelligent voice. Smith will no longer allow top and bottom surgeries to be performed on children in her province, nor given puberty blockers. Surgical removal of body parts that will render Canadian children infertile forever will cease in Alberta. Only citizens of a mature age (17-18) will be able to make these kind of decisions in Alberta. How sensible. Danielle Smith, what a lovely, wonderful valentine you are! I wish you were ours!

Betty Krawczyk

Feb 2, 2004