What will the New Year bring for Canadians? I think the
western world lead by the US, and including Canada, is losing its collective
mind. It’s as if the US is telling itself fairy tales and getting very angry
when any collection of individuals or even one individual, who says, by way of
resistance “but wait…I personally do not believe the bull excrement you are
shoveling onto my doorstep (and into my airways)”. Not that any important
media, or important person, for that matter, at least recognized by Canada, is
trying to do this. But I personally rebel when the Canadian press and media,
following the US story line, tries to persuade me, and millions of others, that
Hillary Clinton lost the election because Putin personally elected Trump as US
president by hacking into the American voting machines. I have to say they are
lying through their expensive implanted teeth.
The US accusers can’t
offer any proof of their accusations of Putin hacking because there isn’t
any.I ask, did Putin also hack the machines
that put Republicans back into the Senate? And also hack into the House of Representatives
voting machines? The cabal of
international interests that push austerity onto the people of the world while
sucking the economy itself dry says it does. With the help of the Russia Today
TV programs of course. The cabal claims that Putin, through RT, plays evil,
insidious propaganda lies that are also very powerful and causes strange things
to happen in America. Many US lawmakers are calling for the US to outright ban
RT being broadcast in and into America. So much for freedom of speech.So do I watch RT?
I do, and I don’t even have television.I get RT through my computer.I also tune in to other alternate news casts
but none have the constantly growing ratings of RT.I recommend RT to everyone.Of course they are presenting the Russian
point of view which the Russians say is the purpose of the news shows. Why
would the Russians have a television show of Russia Today if not to present the
Russian point of view? How can Canadians and Americans make up their minds
about anything if they only hear one side? That’s all we hear in most of the news
programs that service the cabal (the side that CNN and 90 per cent of the other
US broadcasting and our very own CBC) wants us to hear. Shouldn’t we also hear
the other side?Shouldn’t we all hear
honest debate on how “the liberation of Aleppo” in The Russian media becomes
the “the downfall of Aleppo” in the American media?Even the government of British Columbia seems
to think so.
The province of BC is
now advertising on the Russian channel. The BC provincial government has been
running a large, chatty video showing and explaining how wonderful British
Columbia is to countries everywhere through the RT channel. Christy Clark knows how many people worldwide watch
RT.Other Canadian businesses are
beginning to catch on, too. I think it is too late to shut RT up. The cabal is
trying to distract the people who are slipping out of the middle class, and
even out of the working class, into abject poverty by blaming their economic
and physic woes on the bogyman Putin instead of their own blood sucking
policies which will eventually fail.However, I think a “hard rain has to fall” before the US and Canada comes
up with economic programs that allow all in our countries to prosper, not just
the banks, and without prosperity being based on war.But war with Russia is exactly what the US is
conditioning the western world to accept by constantly presenting Putin as
being beneath the consideration of civilized nations; of being inhuman.The US headed cabal wants war with Russia in
the New Year. And apparently, listening
to the CBC, Canada is willing to tag along.
Get over it, CBC.The
rest of us have had to.Hillary Clinton,
running under the same electoral rules she was proud of before she lost, now
wants to turn the electoral tide around.She didn’t really lose, she says, the election was stolen from her by
Putin. He hacked the voting machines.And the FBI and the CIA back her up, along with the neocons in
government who see these accusations as the very thing needed to convince the
American people that Putin is an inhuman devil and Russia must be conquered to
set things right again (US undisputed hegemony).How to conquer Russia?By invasion, of course. The same way they conquered Libya, Iraq, and
Afaganstian. The slavish NATO has ringed the countries on Russian’s borders as
well as the entire neighbourhood with air and missile bases. They’re ready to
go.As soon as they can figure out how
to get Hillary Clinton back into the White House and on Wall Street’s
payroll.Certainly all of the agencies
that matter for them, especially the Pentagon, are rearing to go get those nasty
Jill Stein, for whom I voted, in the end bowed to Hillary
(like Bernie Sanders) and was persuaded to call for a vote recount. That’s her privilege.But there is no proof of any reason to even
be suspicious that a hack was made, much less that the Russian’s did it. The
CIA says it has proof of the Russian hack, but just can’t reveal it.You know, like the Weapons of Mass
destruction that killed so many human beings in Iraq. But this line is
excellent fodder for the main stream media that understands only too well that
their jobs depends on bashing Putin for the “US Deep State” that wants to
invade Russia. But Trump supporters won’t peacefully stand for shenanigans that
declare Trump’s legal right to the presidency invalid.There will be lots of trouble should this
But no worry, we will
be told by craven main stream journalists, these kinds of protesters will be
taken care of.We have anticipated such
an occurrence and the jails are waiting.We’ve built lots of new ones and they are nicely privatized the police
are militarized with crowd control devices including tanks. And the main stream
media, including CBC and BBC TV and radio stations will rise to the challenge
of echoing almost word for word the US war propaganda of why this war (nuclear)with
Russia was(is) necessary. If you think I am worrying foolishly, just listen
when listening to the National News to how much space is given to beating the
war drums against Putin and Russia. I hope you become as alarmed as I am about
what the CBC is pounding unrelenting into our ears on the need to teach Putin
and Russia a lesson.A really hard
lesson.But remember, Russia is not
Libya, Iraq, or Afaganstian.Russia is a
modern state with nuclear weapons.They
are equipped to give as well as take.If
you do become concerned about the Putin bashing, Russia hating, one sided
reporting of your national broadcasting station please let them know. Maybe
it’s not too late for the CBC to get over it.