The rapidity with
which Prime Minister Trudeau recognized Juan Guaido as the new president of
Venezuela left me breathless.Wow.Talk about shooting first and asking
questions afterward.Was there any
public discussion of this, or even any warning?If there was, I missed it.How
could our Prime Minster recognize a minor member of the Venezuelan government (Juan
Guaido) as the real president ofVenezuela when there was already a democratically elected president
(Nicolas Maduro).Canadian Foreign Affairs
Minister Chrystia Freeland said earlier this month that the recent presidential
election that gave Maduro another six year term was fraudulent and
On what grounds could she claim this?Only that on the urging of Juan Guaido and
other opposition parties before the election was even held that all opposition
parties and citizens in general should boycott the presidential election so
their votes wouldn’t be cast or counted.As they did not participate in the election they could now claim fraud. And
they have. What jerks they are.What
twisted reasoning.And our Prime
Minister couldn’t wait even a day to cast our fortunes with those of the nation
he so admires…the good ole USA.And how
did Canada get to be the junior partner of the Trump Administration’s desire to
swallow the rest of the world by threats and boycotts and tariffs and bombs?
What makes Justin Trudeau and his cabinet think that Canadians must do what the
neocons in Trump’s cabinet say, or be dammed to crippling tariffs and
starvation boycotts as they are now doing to Venezuela?And have done to many other countries?Are we whipped puppies who cower before even
an order is given because we know so well what is wanted by the exceptional
How can we condone
throwing our support behind a violent coup of a sovereign nation, any sovereign
nation, by another country or group of countries in order to remove a
democratically elected head of state?What
if down the road the US decided that their neocon neoliberal government is more
in step with the Conservative Party of Canada than to our Liberal one?And more in common with say, Doug Ford, than
Justin Trudeau with his odd and sinful notions on LGBQ equality.And then let it be leaked to Mr. Ford that
the warmongers on our borders are very interested in elevating him to the
status of Prime Minister as they are sick of Mr. Trudeau. They would let it be
known that they were very interested in coming to Canada to manage our oil
supply.And water supply.Who would stop them?Who could stop them?Certainly not Canadians.We have already accepted the proposition that
it is good and right for the US to invade and manage any sovereign nation’s resources.There would be no marshalling of Canadian
forces to object.And why would we?We don’t seem to have the feeling for our country
this would take and we may as well be Americans.
Ouch, talk about the truth hurting Betty. The public in the west is so under the sway of the official narrative, that no amount of facts thrown against it seems to matter. Look no further than the fact that, despite all the railings against Trump-foolishness still the public (well, the media and then the public dutifully follows) continues to give the USA a pass on whatever they do in international affairs. From CIA-driven coups to starvation-inducing sanctions, facts are met with blank stares. A whole culture of denial, it seems.
Ouch, talk about the truth hurting Betty.
ReplyDeleteThe public in the west is so under the sway of the official narrative, that no amount of facts thrown against it seems to matter. Look no further than the fact that, despite all the railings against Trump-foolishness still the public (well, the media and then the public dutifully follows) continues to give the USA a pass on whatever they do in international affairs. From CIA-driven coups to starvation-inducing sanctions, facts are met with blank stares. A whole culture of denial, it seems.