There’s a new kid on the block called The BC Ecosocialists.
It’s a new political party and bills itself as being “left of the NDP and
greener than the Greens”.This new kid speaks my language with only a few reservations.Nothing is perfect.But in my opinion, this party might very well
have some legs.Here’s their
The purposes of the party are:
to utilize our legal status as a political party to respond to the extinction event including
fielding candidates for public office with the intention of winning elections
fielding candidates for public office as a means of building social movements and giving them greater voice
threatening to field candidates for public office to obtain concessions from those holding state power
using the electoral process to witness against the extinction event
to work collaboratively with social movements that also seek to arrest the extinction event
to participate as part of a global movement of political parties and social movement groups that
seek a carbon-neutral future
seek to dismantle capitalism
oppose austerity
oppose the global death cult that is
mobilizing forces of fundamentalism, racism and nationalism to
accelerate the extinction event and
cause the deaths of migrants seeking to escape its consequences
offer an analysis of the extinction event and its causes that recognizes
the synergistic interaction among forces of white supremacy, male supremacy and bourgeois supremacy to both
magnify one another and accelerate the extinction event
the fact that the capitalist system is driving the extinction event and that it must be dismantled rather
than reformed
that cultural and social practices and
institutions are powerful forces that we must change in order to
address the extinction event and that
these forces affect and are undergirded by a material reality
develop public policy and seek democratic support for said policy for implementation by any government at any
level recognizing
the precautionary principle
the recognition that ideas of “sustainable development” and “sustainability” are no
longer available due to the acceleration of the climate crisis through feedback mechanisms
that struggles against oppression of human beings are inextricable from the struggle to save the planet
work to arrest and reverse the local processes of ongoing colonization and genocide called British Columbia and
Canada and seek a just relationship with First Nations
We affirm that these things are possible because we affirm
that human beings possess a universal common sense and, with the most basic critical thinking and literacy
skills, are able to evaluate and adopt policies to address the extinction event democratically
our faith that humanity can acknowledge our collective danger, share the losses and rise to the occasion.
Is this new
party speaking your language, too? Or at least heading in the right direction? We’ll
have to find out. The BC Ecosocialists can be reached at
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