started this post last week to continue investigating the Great Reset, you
know, that great world plan the elite bankers and European leaders have in
store for the western bankrupt world. How ever, my attention was momentarily stayed, like many others,
by the furor surrounding the Great Stock Market Upset.
I have never owned a stock in my entire long risk-taking
life. I have rarely had enough money that might even tempt me to throw it away
on the gambling casinos of the stock market. The immediate needs of food,
shelter, education for kids kept my attention safely away from these kinds of
ventures. However, the past couple of weeks have rather riveted my attention to
what is happening in the hedge fund stock markets. Of course I am talking about
that group of individuals, the ‘Reddits’, who are mostly young, male,
unemployed or marginally employed, and are extremely tech savvy. They also, or
at least some of them, appear to have a simmering resentment against stock
short sellers.
Short sellers are those who come together, also as a group,
pick out a struggling company and place a bet that the company will fail. They
even help the company’s failure along by using media to inform everybody in the
market that the company is in trouble which further drives the price down. When
the company’s stock goes down far enough, and is facing bankruptcy, the
shorters cash in their bets. Then when the company is all but destroyed, the
short sellers start bidding the company price back up again in order to get it
into the position of being sufficiently well enough, but not too well, to short
it again. Wonderful sport, these short squeeze vultures, who are the financial
elites of wall street. So enter those with time on their hands, some having
lost jobs during the pandemic or memories of being teenagers when their parents
lost their homes during the 2008 blood letting.
They decided to pool their resources and enter the stock
market world and try to short the shorters. They found a flailing company that
was being shorted by the hedge fund managers and began to buy the failing stock
GameStop. But the Reddits plan was different. When the stock went up due to
their own buying they didn’t cash out. They just kept buying and as more people
piled in, the stock kept going up. The shorters began to sweat and wound up
losing a great deal of money.
they are very angry. They are appealing to the new American government to do
something about these upstarts, although the Reddits did nothing illegal. They
simply outwitted the shorters – they won a rigged game, at least temporarily.
Will the Biden government oblige? Will they come up with some new plan to protect
their big donor short sellers? Probably. We’ll see what the Reddits do next, or people like them who are using the power of distributed virtual networks to unsettle the status quo.
And what effect, if any, they might have on the Great Reset. Next time.
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