The US despises any
world leader they can’t control.When a
country displeases the US the first word they apply to the leader of said
country is that of “dictator” to express evil incarnate. In some instances it
can be. But not always. Take the former
Colonel Gaddafi of Libya. He was a dictator.But he was also a socialist.In
the years before Gaddafi was disposed in a coup by a US led uprising, and his
country destroyed by US led NATO bombing in 1986, he had decided to open Libya
to foreign investment.That went down
well with the US.Access to Libyan oil
was a sweetener like no other.Gaddafi
went from being a vicious dictator who supported “terrorist” causes while
murdering and oppressing his own people, to being considered a gentleman and
true friend of the US. But even when
they were best friends with Libya the US didn’t speak of the real internal
policies of Gaddafi’s government.
Who in the West knew
that under Gadhafi Libya was a secular, progressive state, the most progressive
in Africa at the time?That the Libyan
people enjoyed free education, even post-secondary, and free medical care? Who
knew that Libyans under Kaddafi had free electricity and dirt cheap gasoline? That
mothers of newborns were given bursaries for $5,000 US? Almost nobody.All we knew was that the US somehow made an
about face, and far from being a friend of the US, Gaddafi went back to being a
vicious dictator and terrorist.He was
accused of being behind multinational bombings that was never proven, the truth
or falsity of them may never be satisfied.But in some opinions, the main reason for the sacking of Libya and the
murder of Kaddafi was because Gadhafi threatened the US national and
international banking systems.How did
he do this?
By trying to introduce
a single African currency, the African gold dinar.We’re talking gold here, not fiat currency
that we all know and love (or hate). This
would have allowed Africans to charge whatever they decided was a fair price
for their precious resources and rise out of poverty. However, our very own
dictators (the global western international bankers) decided this was a red
line. “It has been said that the gold Dinar was the real reason for the NATO
(read US) led rebellion, in a bid to oust the outspoken leader” (Global
Research News, May 2014).
Go figure. Of
course.This is the same reason why the
US and international banking systems loathe Russia and fear China to the point
of hysteria.It’s the new banking
systems China is setting up with Russia and the other BRICK countries. China is
having success in getting other countries to accept the Chinese yuan. It’s all
about who controls the currencies.That’s the reason for all the hate propaganda against Russia and
China.This is why we are told Putin is
a dangerous, demented madman, a vicious dictator who eats babies (metaphorically
speaking) and presents China as a kind of enormous sly, fat evil Buddha,
waiting for his chance to swallow up the entire world.Maybe things will get better when at least
some of the most rabid neo-con war mongers straining at the bit for war with
Russia in the Obama cabinet and present Republican congress fade into the
woodwork.Will Trump be any better?That is, if he is actually inaugurated?Time will tell.But the poet Omar Khayyam cautions: “The
moving finger writes and having writ, moves on…”
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