What is happening with Canadian
canola crops and perhaps our soy crops as well? First off, China has suspended
buying Canadian canola altogether.Why?Because China claims that
Canadian canola seeds have rather suddenly become not pure enough for the
Chinese market. They claim that Canada’s canola seeds now have pests. As China
buys 40 percent of Canada’s canola seeds this is serious indeed. On April 2,
2019 the CBC posted another reason why China may have canceled their usual
orders of Canadian canola; “But, there has been speculation that the
allegations of dirty canola are a red herring, and the clash is really about worsening
geopolitical relations between the two countries as a result of the detention
of Meng Wanzhou (Chinese CEO of Huawei) late last year”.
I think the second reason is more
likely.Or “highly likely” as the
Americans and Brits are fond of saying when they have no proof of
anything.But considering the eagerness
of the Trudeau government to jump twice as high on directives from the US,
there was obviously no time spent by our government either before or after
Ming’s arrest to take a long look at other options. Options that would not have
infuriated China.Were there other
options?Are there other options?
Some quarters say that yes, there
were (are) other options, but to take them and not arrest Ming or to refuse to
hold her indefinitely, would have infuriated Mr. Trump.But all that China seems to know is that Ming
is being held for a hearing on extradition to the US by Canadians on US charges
of fraud.An interesting thought
occurred to me while thinking about this. As far as I know, Huawei of China is
the first to use in their electronic systems something known as the G5.The G5 evidently is a much faster system and
the US doesn’t have it yet.And they
want it badly. What do they really plan to do when Canada gets Ming extradited
to America?Threaten to give her life in
prison or until the time she gives up the secrets of G5? Keep her in solitary
confinement?Or as Trump believes in
physical torture, perhaps they will use a little bit of that?
Whatever, the situation also has the
soy bean growers worried.Ron Davidson, executive
director of Soy Canada (The Guardian, (04- 07-2019) expressed his own concern;
“We’ve gone from a third of our exports going to China to over 60 per cent in
2018.Product that would have gone
elsewhere has gone to China and made us very, very dependent on that one
market…I can tell you there is a great deal of nervousness...We’re not in the
canola dispute now but who knows what happens tomorrow”.
I thought it was incredibly stupid of Justin to arrest this woman. Surely he could have found another way to deal with the matter. So naive - but a world leader does not have the luxury of naivete. He acts like a headstrong teenager
I thought it was incredibly stupid of Justin to arrest this woman. Surely he could have found another way to deal with the matter. So naive - but a world leader does not have the luxury of naivete. He acts like a headstrong teenager